Think Tank Poland
European Based on Experience
Osteuropa 5-6/2011
Manfred Sapper, Volker Weichsel (Ed.)
Berlin (BWV) 2011 [= Osteuropa 5–6/2011]
392 pages, 16 maps, 52 figures
Price: 24,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8305-1945-4
Deutsche Fassung
- Editorial
European by experience - Piotr Buras
The End of Fatalism
Poland, Germany, and a Different Europe - Gerhard Gnauck
The End of the One-Way Street
Germany and Poland in On-Coming Traffic - Dieter Bingen
Neighbourly Relations and Partnership
Germany and Poland 1991–2011 - Anna Kwiatkowska Drożdż
Mixed Balance
20 Years of the Treaty on Neighbourly Relations - Karoline Gil, Tytus Jaskułowski
The Treaty and the Consequences
Germany and Poland as Neighbours - Basil Kerski
Dual Identity
The Polish-Speaking Population in Germany - Beata Ociepka
New Relations, Old Prejudices
Neighbourly Relations at the Level of Society - Sebastian Lentz, Günter Herfert, Annedore Bergfeld
In the Slipstream of Europeanisation
The German-Polish Border Area - Maciej Zathey
At a Snail’s Pace
Aspirations and Reality of the Oder Partnership Poland in Europe
- Kai-Olaf Lang
Initiative and Diversification
Poland’s New Mode of Operation in the EU - Tomasz Zarycki
Imitation or Substance
Poland in Europe and the Europeanisation of Poland - Klaus Bachmann
Opposition Pays
Polish Agriculture and EU Agrarian Policy - Martin Kremer, Kai-Olaf Lang
Rethink and Cooperate
Poland as Germany’s Energy and Climate Partner - Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse
Lots of Money, Little Concept
Poland and the EU Structural and Cohesion Policy - Stefan Garsztecki
Decentralized, Yet Disparate
Regional Policy and Regions in Poland - Paweł Kaczmarczyk
Poland on the Move
Migration after EU Accession - Anna Tomaszewska
Poland’s Eastern Border, Schengen, and the Consequences - Jan Zielonka
The European Union as Empire
Put to the Test: Models of Political Order - Robert Grzeszczak
Suitability Test
Polish Constitutional Bodies in the EU-Stress Test Poland's Europeanisation
- Reinhold Vetter
Long-Term Goal Champions League
The Europeanisation of the Polish Economy - Sebastian Płóciennik
Resistant and Quick to React
Poland in the Financial and Economic Crisis - Edwin Bendyk
Polish Paradoxes
Economy, Labour, and Participation - Katarina Bader, Tomasz Zapart
Civic Platform
From Citizens Movement to Membership Party - Jarosław Flis
Suitability Test
Polish Constitutional Bodies in the EU-Stress Test - Peter Oliver Loew
Local Europeanisation
Europe in Gdansk, Gdansk in Europe - Artur Celiński, Aleksandra Niżyńska
Stereotype und Fascination
The Two Lives of Warsaw - Beata Stasińska
Promoting Reading
The Adventures of the Book Market in Poland - Włodzimierz Nowak
A Colt on Probation
A Reportage - Agnieszka Wójcińska
“Why Not Break Out in Tears?”
Włodzimierz Nowak on the Art of Reportage
Karten im Heft
Deutsch-polnisches Grenzgebiet: Bevölkerungsalterung [PDF kaufen]
Deutsch-polnisches Grenzgebiet: Bevölkerungsentwicklung [PDF kaufen]
Deutsch-polnisches Grenzgebiet: Wirtschaftskraft und Migration [PDF kaufen]
Deutsch-polnisches Grenzgebiet: BIP pro Kopf und Kaufkraft 2008 [PDF kaufen]
Ostdeutschland: Bevölkerungsentwicklung 2000–2006 [PDF kaufen]
Ostdeutschland: Relative Bevölkerungsentwicklung 2000–2006 [PDF kaufen]
Ostgrenze des Schengenraums [PDF kaufen]
Ostdeutschland: Bevölkerungsentwicklung 2000–2006 [PDF kaufen]
Ostdeutschland: Relative Bevölkerungsentwicklung 2000–2006 [PDF kaufen]
Bevölkerungsentwicklung im deutsch-polnischen Grenzgebiet [PDF kaufen]
Deutsch-polnisches Grenzgebiet: Migration und Wirtschaftskraft [PDF kaufen]
Deutsch-polnisches Grenzgebiet: BIP und Kaufkraft 2008 [PDF kaufen]
Europa: Staatsverschuldung und Exportorientierung 2010 [PDF kaufen]
Europa: BIP-Wachstum und Wirtschaftskrise 2009–2010 [PDF kaufen]