Cover Osteuropa 11-12/2024

In Osteuropa 11-12/2024

Populism in Slovakia
The Government’s Worldview and Politics under Robert Fico

Martina Winkler

Deutsche Fassung


Since October 2023, a coalition of three parties has governed Slovakia. Of these, Smer-SD is the strongest and provides the prime minister with Robert Fico. The government pursues populist politics par excellence. Ideological and substantive coherence play a subordinate role. The moral elevation of its own position in dichotomous categories such as “us-them”, “friend-enemy”, and “people” vs. “elite” is crucial. It seves to legitimize the government’s mas-sive attacks on the independence of the judiciary, the public media, and the freedom of culture. Corruption was decriminalised with an amendment to the criminal law. In Smer’s thinking, ideas declared to be “left-wing” merge with radical nationalist tendencies. Fico is pursuing a rapprochement with autocratic Hungary and calling into question Europe’s support for Ukraine. In his political rhetoric, Russia serves as the antithesis of an open society.

(Osteuropa 11-12/2024, pp. 195–214)