Cover Osteuropa 8-9/2007

In Osteuropa 8-9/2007
Teil des Dossiers Energie

Central Asia’s Resources
Reserves and Potential for Europe

Hilmar Rempel, Sandro Schmidt, Ulrich Schwarz-Schampera, Simone Röhling, Klaus Brinkmann

Deutsche Fassung


Around the world, energy consumers have been taking notice of Central Asia. An analysis of the region’s supply potential and production prognoses shows that in future Central Asia will produce more oil, natural gas, coal and uranium. Oil and gas could contribute to diversifying EU energy imports. Coal is more likely to be used in the region itself, and uranium will be supplied primarily to Russia. The EU will hardly be able to cover its growing need for energy resources by means of Central Asia.

(Osteuropa 8-9/2007, pp. 433–447)